LPRF Course With Dr. Lasorsa
Hi. Good morning and welcome to the Monday Morning Minute. We’re down in Orlando, Florida, with Dr. Matt Lasorsa and a bunch of awesome dentists throughout the entire country who’ve come down to Orlando to watch Dr. Lasorsa do his LPRF training. And it was absolutely phenomenal. We just got done watching live surgery. He placed a 3.0 mylo implant at tooth number nine. He used the Piezotone Cube. He used the every bit of the LPRF, which I’ll let him tell you about, but it was an unbelievable procedure. So without further ado, welcome back to the source of the Monday Morning Man. Thank you, Chris. You got it, buddy. I’ll do a little bit about it.
Exactly what he said. We use LPRF, which is an autologous blood product, to draw the patient and use as a bone grafting material to promote some rapid healing. So I did put a 30 implant in number nine. It was an immediate extraction in placement. It immediately temporized and then grafted around the implant with the LPRF to promote the bone and soft tissue healing. So our patient will get a nice, natural heel looking crown in the number nine area. So we had a great time, and we’re practicing drawing blood on each other and making some more PRF and partying with it.
How many times a year do you hold this court? A couple of times a year. Couple of times a year. You’re going to try to do it three or four times a year. And you do it up in Buffalo as well, right? Do it in Buffalo as well. So how do people find out about this? Where do they find oh, they would. Go to shotgun first and look at the course schedule. There you go. Sounds good. What do you guys think about the course? Did you like it?
All right, thank you, Todd, for putting this together. And thank you, Feds, for coordinating this and all my stuff following here. Thank you for coming down and spending some time with us. Yeah, and thank you, Dr. Lasorsa, for all the hard work. And we’ll see you on the next Monday morning minute.