Florida Dental Association Meeting 2022
Good morning and welcome to the Shatkin F.I.R.S.T.® Monday morning minute.
Good morning and welcome to this Monday morning minute. I found you hot chefs like Complex Patrick down here in Florida, dental association meeting, big meeting down here in Florida. We’re in the gaylord Compsorten hotel. And it’s a great turnout just to kind of pan around. Show me a meeting space. We got a lot of stuff going on. We are so excited to be here. Yeah.
Let me tell you, we’re excited about your lecture tomorrow. So Dr. Shatkin is going to there are so many doctors in Florida who walked this procedure and want to have it, have learned how to do it. Tomorrow. You have about 95 dedicated.
100 doctors are coming, of course, here, tomorrow, here and at the FTC. And, you know, we’re going to talk about mini implants for a few hours, hopefully get a lot for you. New blood, new doctors who want to start doing mini implants. It’s what it’s all about. But became our last year. Fantastic. Made it last year. So we decided to come back.
Yeah. And you know what? A lot of doctors came by the boat yesterday. They’re teaching them how to play too many implants. They can’t believe that you can take a one piece implant because they’re asking me about a pumpkin, things like that. They’re amazing. The bottom and the mini. We’ve got great things to offer, and we’re excited to teach them.