Copings, Caps and Shims
Hi, I’m Dr. David Powers and welcome to this Monday Morning Minute. Hey, this time I want to talk to you guys about some different attachments they offer over at Shatkin F.I.R.S.T.® And how to use them in your practice and on your patients. I’ve got everything here. We’ve got our Healing Crack cap, we’ve got our impression coping, we’ve got our shim and we also have our attachment that goes in our denture. I want to show you guys how each one of these is used.
Number one. We’ll start with the healing cap. The Healing cap we use after we place the mini dental implant in the patient’s mouths. We actually put them over the top and use them as a temporary. You can also build a temporary on top of this with composite or acrylic and it’s very easy to get off once the patient returns and it also helps keep the tissue back from the implant itself.
The other one is the black impression coping or transfer coping. We can use these to take impressions and what we do with these is we place these on the mini implants when we have them in the patient’s mouth, we place them on each one of the mini implants and then we take the polyvinyl impression to actually pick up those transfer copings. They’ll come out in the impression and then we’ll place the analogs in at check. And first to be able to give you a nice impression to be able to make your prosthesis on the third is the blockout shims. The blockout shims we usually use in the denture phase and we’ll actually put them over the top of the implant once they’re in the patient’s mouth and we use the attachment to place over the top of it to actually give us a block out for the undercut.
When we actually pick up the attachment in the denture, we want to make sure that we put these on Snug and we don’t have any acrylic run underneath into the ball and square undercut. So that’s what we use the blockout shim for. I hope that was helpful and thank you for joining me on this Monday Morning Minute. We’ll see you next week.